The video above shows where we’re starting out with the garden this year. The winter rainy season has been intense in 2023/2024, which caused a number of problems. So much water flows down this hillside, that gopher holes turn into major tunnels, big enough to roll a volleyball through. Last summer I added 100 feet of 4″ French drain that would help move water down to the pond, and alleviate some of the erosion problems. Well, we got enough rain in Oct-Dec, that all of the rock in my beautiful French drain was itself pushed downhill into the pond! So the hard decision was made, to pull up all of the garden infrastructure – irrigation, trellises, raised beds, everything – and rototill the entire garden space to start fresh. I brought in 10 cubic yards of fresh garden soil, as well as two trailer loads of organic composted horse manure, and rototilled everything in. I also took the opportunity to add about 500 square feet to the garden over last year.
Anyway, enjoy the video – back to work for me!